Game Interface

Squadron Manager

The Squadron Manager is an extremely versatile tool that shows you the actual vehicles that make up each squad, as well as each squad's combat status and aggressiveness level. With the Squadron Manager, you can rearrange or create new squads, change a squad's aggressiveness level, command squads, beam your Host Station, jump into a particular vehicle, and locate specific vehicles. Click the following graphic for information on each item.

Squad Rows
The vertical lines in the Squadron Manager are your squad rows. Each row represents a particular squad, identifying its number and types of vehicles. The icon on the far left of the row indicates the combat status. The vehicle heading the individual units is the squad leader.
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Combat Status
The icon on the far left of each squad row indicates the squad's combat status.

  On Its Way

   Engaged in Combat

   Awaiting Orders

     Retreating to Host Station

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Current Location
The blinking triangle indicates where you are currently located. When you are fighting from a vehicle, the triangle appears over that particular vehicle. When you are fighting from your Host Station, the triangle appears over Host Station icon located at the top of the Squadron Manager.

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Aggressiveness Levels
Each squad fights or retreats according to its aggressiveness level. Click a squad row and note its aggressiveness level, as indicated by the boxes on the lower left of the Squadron Manager. For detailed information on the effect of each aggressiveness level, see
Game Interface: Squadron Manager: Agressiveness Levels.

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Scroll Bar
Use the scroll bar to move up and down the list of squad rows.

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Title Bar
Drag to move the map to another area on your game screen.

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Window Resize
Drag to increase or decrease the map size.

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Click the Help button to bring you to this page of online Help.

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Click the Close button to close the Squadron Manager.

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